Conversation overview
Chat widget
Improvements & bug fixes 👍🐛
Here’s what’s our developers have been working on and released last week:
New features:
- Conversations export update:The export now includes thumbs-up and thumbs-down feedback for better insights.
Bug fixes:
- Chatbot handoff in chat widget:Conversations handed off by the chatbot to "New" were not appearing in real time. They now show instantly without needing to refresh the filter.
- Duplicate chatbot messages:The chatbot sometimes sent multiple messages when a trigger for handoff was sent. This has been fixed.
- Incorrect default link in chat widget:When creating a new chat widget, the default Frequently Asked Questions link was pointing to a placeholder. We changed this to website. This has been fixed.
- Saving settings in chat widget integrations:A bug prevented saving new settings when creating a chat widget in Integrations. This is now resolved.
- Incorrect deletion message in Conversations:Deleting a conversation mentioned that the contact would also be deleted, but this was not the case. This has been corrected.
- Chatbot icon in closed conversations:The chatbot icon wasn’t showing in closed conversations when clicking "Show previous messages". This is now fixed.
- Sign-out error in Web Crawler:An error message appeared when signing out with the Web Crawler open. This has been resolved.
- Browser tab name update:The browser tab name didn’t update after switching the language. It now correctly reflects the current page.
UX improvements:
We've made a whole lot of
UX improvements
to ensure smoother navigation and interaction in the platform. Thanks for your feedback—keep it coming! 🚀